Hario V60 vs Kalita Wave

If you are a coffee lover, you might have come across the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave pour-over coffee makers. Both of these devices have gained immense popularity among coffee enthusiasts worldwide for their ability to brew a cup of coffee that is rich in flavor, smooth, and well-balanced. In this blog post, we will be discussing the key differences between Hario V60 and Kalita Wave to help you choose the one that suits your preferences.

First, let’s understand how these two pour-over coffee makers work. Both the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave are designed to work with paper filters that are placed inside the brewer. The coffee grounds are placed in the filter, and hot water is poured over the grounds. The coffee drips through the filter and into a cup or carafe placed underneath.

The Hario V60 has a cone shape with spiral ridges on the interior of the brewer. The spiral ridges help to ensure an even extraction of the coffee grounds, resulting in a clean and crisp cup of coffee. On the other hand, the Kalita Wave has a flat-bottomed brewer with three small holes at the bottom. The flat-bottomed design of the Kalita Wave ensures that the water flows evenly through the coffee bed, resulting in a well-balanced cup of coffee.

One of the key differences between the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave is the type of filters they use. The Hario V60 uses a cone-shaped filter that is thinner and has larger pores than the Kalita Wave filter. The larger pores of the Hario V60 filter allow the water to flow through the coffee grounds quickly, resulting in a bright and clean cup of coffee. However, this can also lead to over-extraction if the brewing process is not timed correctly. The Kalita Wave filter, on the other hand, is thicker and has smaller pores, resulting in a slower flow rate and a more complex cup of coffee.

Another difference between the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave is the brewing process itself. The Hario V60 requires a bit more skill and technique to brew a good cup of coffee, as the water needs to be poured slowly and evenly over the coffee grounds in a circular motion. This technique requires practice and patience to master. The Kalita Wave, on the other hand, is designed to be more forgiving, as the water is poured over the coffee bed in a steady and slow stream.

When it comes to the taste of the coffee, both the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave produce a flavorful cup of coffee with distinct characteristics. The Hario V60 tends to produce a brighter and more acidic cup of coffee with a lighter body. In contrast, the Kalita Wave produces a more balanced and complex cup of coffee with a heavier body.

In conclusion, the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave are both excellent pour-over coffee makers that produce a delicious cup of coffee with unique characteristics. The Hario V60 requires a bit more skill and technique to brew, but it can produce a bright and clean cup of coffee. The Kalita Wave, on the other hand, is designed to be more forgiving and produces a more balanced and complex cup of coffee. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your personal preferences and brewing style.


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